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Make Packing a Breeze With a Vacation Capsule Wardrobe



Source: Adobe Stock
Packing for a vacation can be tedious at the best of times – and, more often than not, we end up packing more clothes than we end up wearing. However, all that packing stress can be avoided by implementing a travel capsule wardrobe.
A capsule wardrobe is a collection of essential items that can be mixed and matched to create different outfits. Using a capsule wardrobe can save space in your luggage, save time getting ready, and help you look stylish and trendy throughout your trip!
Here are some tips for using a capsule wardrobe when on vacation:
Choose a color scheme: When creating a capsule wardrobe for your vacation, it’s crucial to choose a color scheme that works well together. Neutral colors like black, white, and gray are always a good choice, as they can be paired with almost any other color. Pick your colors depending on your destination. For example, you will want to pack brighter colors if you are heading to a tropical location. This will make mixing and matching your clothing items easier and create different outfits.
Pack versatile clothing items: When selecting clothing for your capsule wardrobe, look for pieces that can be dressed up or down. For example, a simple dress can be worn with sandals for a casual daytime look or heels for a night out. Even beach cover-ups can be restyled as casual dresses!
Stick to basics: Basic clothing items like t-shirts, jeans, and shorts should comprise most of your capsule wardrobe. These items can be worn in multiple ways and are easy to mix and match.
Embrace Layers: Depending on the climate of your vacation destination, it’s a good idea to pack clothing items that can be layered. This will allow you to adjust your outfit according to the weather and still look stylish.
Accessorize: Accessories like scarves, hats, and jewelry can help to elevate your outfit and add some personality to your capsule wardrobe. However, be mindful of how much space these items occupy in your luggage.
Take photos beforehand: If you feel like you may need to remember which items go together while you are on vacation, embrace your inner celeb and take photos beforehand. Taking pictures of complete outfits before leaving is an excellent idea whether you take pics on your phone or with a Polaroid camera.
Using a capsule wardrobe when on vacation can make packing more manageable, help reduce stress, and ensure that you look your best throughout your trip. By choosing a color scheme, packing versatile clothing items, sticking to basics, layering up, and not forgetting about accessories, you can create a capsule wardrobe that works for any vacation destination.

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