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Disney Removing “Boys and Girls” Greetings at Parks



Source: Disney Parks

In an effort to promote gender inclusion, Disney will no longer be using “boys and girls” in its greetings at parks.

In a company video posted online and reported by Newsweek, Disney’s diversity and inclusion manager Vivian Ware revealed greetings will now remove any mentions of gender.

“So we no longer say ‘ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,'” said Ware in the video. “We’ve provided training for all of our cast members … so now they know it’s, ‘Hello everyone’ or ‘Hello friends.”

According to Newsweek, Ware said that Disney is in the process of changing recorded messages at its park to say “dreamers of all ages” instead of “ladies and gentleman, boys and girls” for announcements made at the start of Magic Kingdom’s fireworks show.

“We want to create that magical moment with our cast members, with our guests,” Newsweek reports Ware as saying in the video. “And we don’t want to just assume because who someone might be in our interpretation, maybe presenting as female that they may not want to be ‘princess.’”

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